First Look: Star Wars The Force Awakens Characters Revealed

It’s finally revealed!! One of the most anticipated movie of this year-Star Wars The Force Awakens, has revealed the details regarding the film. According to the emerging sources, Adam Driver will don the role of Kylo Ren. Lupita Nyong’o will play Maz Kanata, who is an alien pirate.
adam driver as kylo ren
Nyong’o as Maz Kanata
It has also been revealed that Poe Dameron, Oscar Isaac’s character will undergo an X-Wing. The prophesy of this new Star Wars trilogy is expected to be on the similar lines of the original trilogy’s Rebel Alliance.

On the occasion of Star Wars day, it was obvious that there will be more news around the movie Star Wars, and with this information, the excitement among the fans is certainly bound to increase.